7 Common Causes of Burn Injuries

The American Burn Association reports that almost a half million people across the country received medical care for burn injuries last year. Almost 50,000 people needed extended treatments that required them to stay in hospitals or burn centers. Many burn victims survive injuries, but needed procedures and surgeries after a serious burn injury may be expensive and painful. If the patient's burn injury happened because another individual or business acted negligently, he or she has the right to claim damages for losses resulting from medical care, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Almost three-fourths of all burn injuries occur in the injured person's home. About 10 percent of burn injuries happen at work, about five percent occur on a roadway or highway, and the remaining burn injuries occur in miscellaneous locations. Since it's possible for a burn injury to happen anywhere, it's important to know the risks or causes of burn injuries to avoid sustaining one.
Most people think of fire when the subject of a burn injury is discussed. However, a burn injury can happen in a variety of conditions, including:
• Fire/flame
• Hot liquid or steam scalding
• Hot metal, glass, or contact with hot surfaces or objects
• Burns from radiation, such as from x-rays or cancer therapies (radiation burns)
• Burns from tanning lamps or beds (ultraviolet light burns)
• Burns from chemicals, such as acids, lye, or toxic substances (chemical burns)
• Burns from electrical sources
All of these types of burn injuries may be severe. Damage to the victim's skin, nerves, and muscle tissue may occur. In some cases, the burn exposes the victim's bone tissue. After a burn injury, it may be necessary to receive surgeries, skin grafts, and other treatments to attempt to replace or heal damaged tissues, but many burn injuries cause permanent scars and disfigurement.
A serious burn injury may also result in psychological suffering. Severe scarring and pains frequently cause physical and emotional pain. If you or someone dear to you has been injured by another party's negligence, contact our attorneys today.