Can Electric Fences Be Defective and Result in Dog Attacks?

A dog bite will leave more than just a few teeth marks on your arm. Whether it's a resident jogging through the neighborhood, a small child walking to school, a mail carrier delivering packages, or anyone else who happens to be passing by a yard containing a potentially dangerous dog, a victim of a dog attack can suffer severe injuries. In the worst cases, dog attacks can result in lacerations, nerve damage, significant loss of blood, permanent scarring, and even death.
New Jersey law requires dog owners to maintain control of their pets and protect others against dog bite injuries. However, a lot of dog owners do not like the idea of keeping their dogs tied to a leash in the yard. And it may not be practical for a homeowner to erect a fence to keep their dog from coming into contact with passersby on the street. That's why some dog owners choose to use electric fences, which are hidden underground and send a shock to the dog anytime the animal goes beyond the boundaries of the yard.
Despite the presence of an electric fence on the property, it may still be possible for a dog to move past the boundary. When this happens, the dog's owner can potentially be held liable for any injuries or property damage caused by the animal. Of course, the viability of a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent dog owner, or against the manufacturer of a defective electric fence, will depend on the precise circumstances of the case. As a result, anyone who has been the victim of a vicious dog attack should speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney immediately.
Determining Liability for a Vicious Dog Attack in NJ
Electric fences can be a cost-effective way for dog owners to try to keep their dogs from attacking people on the sidewalk. Moreover, since some communities prohibit homeowners from erecting visible fences, an electric fence that is hidden underground may provide the dog owner with a way to keep their dog under control.
One problem with electric fences is that anyone walking by the yard could be startled by the sight of an angry dog charging toward them. The person on the sidewalk is unlikely to realize that there is an underground fence in place, which can lead to slip & fall accidents and other types of accidents.
Another major problem with electric fences is that they don't always work effectively. In fact, a defective fence, or a defective electronic collar on a dog, can lead to a catastrophic dog attack. Since homeowners need to perform regular maintenance on the electric fence, however, it may not be easy to figure out exactly who is liable for the damages in a dog attack case. A qualified personal injury and product liability lawyer can look over the details of your case and help you identify all of the parties who can be held legally responsible for your injuries.
If you were attacked by a vicious dog in New Jersey, you may be able to hold the dog's owner accountable for their negligence. The knowledgeable personal injury lawyers at Lombardi & Lombardi, P.A. have experience handling dog bite cases and can get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. Contact us anytime to schedule a free consultation about your case.