6 Tips for Golf Cart Safety and Accident Prevention

Golf carts are one of the major luxuries of the golf course and on campsites. They provide a quick and compact way of getting around. It's surprising then that they are also the subject of over 10,000 emergency room visits every year. Though they are not very powerful, their limited speed and open-sided nature makes them ripe for a variety of accidents. Below are six tips that could help lower the chances of a golf cart accident:
Wear a Seat Belt
The most overlooked safety precaution when using a golf cart is simple – the lack of a seat belt. It may be tempting not to wear a seat belt simply because the cart does not go that fast. But an unexpected turn or obstacle can cause a driver to fall out of their cart and get injured. One should always wear a seat belt.
Alert Others
Golf carts are prone to collisions because of their size and quiet operation. When crossing an intersection or going in reverse, one should honk or make a noise to alert others of potential movement. In doing so, surrounding parties can make note and potentially avoid an accident.
Do Not Use on the Sidewalk
Golf carts often have a designated path for usage. Unless permissible, one should avoid using a golf cart on the sidewalk. Doing so could lead to a severe injury of a pedestrian. Instead, use the designated path or flat terrain.
Don't Drink and Cart
Golf carts have a recreational pace about them. Because of this, it may be tempting to drink and cart. This should never be done as it still counts as driving under the influence. Golf carts can be subject to the same traffic laws as regular cars.
Don't Cart Recklessly
The leading cause of golf cart injuries lies in driving recklessly. Speeding and making a sudden turn could result in the cart capsizing or tipping over. This can cause injuries both to the driver, passengers and other pedestrians and drivers in the cart's path.
Inspect Before Use
Golf carts are often rented on-site from a large fleet. They are constantly used by hundreds of people over the course of just a few months. If renting a golf cart, one should take care to inspect the vehicle, particularly the tires, whether or not the cart has enough fuel or charge, and whether safety precautions, like seat belts, are available and functional.
Despite taking all these precautions, accidents can and do happen. Sometimes, it's simply because a cart can be defective. If you or a loved on has been injured as a result of a golf cart accident or malfunction, contact a personal injury attorney at Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A.today to schedule your case evaluation.