Laser Eye Surgery Malpractice

Laser eye surgery is becoming a very common practice for people who would like to have better eyesight without the need of contact or glasses. Like it sounds, laser eye surgery is performed by taking a laser to the eye, and making corrections to one's eyesight that way. Like any surgery, there are risks involved with laser eye surgery – some more severe than others.
Vision Loss
Vision loss is one of the most feared risks involved with those who are going to get laser eye surgery, although it is a very rare risk. The chances of experiencing vision loss after a laser eye surgery are pretty unlikely, especially if done through a reputable eye surgeon, but it does happen. Some people do not experience a full loss of vision, though, rather a decrease in visibility.
While there are both overcorrections and under corrections, overcorrections are ones that should be taken more seriously. If an eye is under corrected, it can simply be fixed with more surgery. If an eye is overcorrected, though, there is not a whole lot that can be done. What happens here is that the surgeon removes too much tissue from the eye, which leads to an overcorrection of the eye.
Flap Problems
Lastly, flap problems may occur due to laser eye surgery. Folding back or removing the flap during laser eye surgery can cause problems, like infections and tears, leading to the outer layer of the tissue growing back abnormally. This essentially can lead to more problems with vision, and increased pain.
These risks that come along with laser eye surgery are typically more rare than simple risks like dry eyes, or itchy eyes. Regardless, they do happen, and they should be taken very seriously. If you or a loved one feels they were part of a laser eye surgery malpractice, contact Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A. today for a consultation. Their team of qualified attorneys may be able to help you make the claim you are looking for.