How to Stay Safe as a Pedestrian

It seems that as years go on, the road becomes a less and less accessible place for pedestrians. Sidewalks in some towns just end mid-path, other places have extremely limited sidewalks if any. Worst of all, pedestrians don't get much in the way of respect from the millions of automobiles that are on the road. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, well over 4,700 pedestrians are struck down and killed each year.
Pedestrians make up over 14% of all road deaths all on their own. This isn't even including the thousands more who are left with severe injuries. Nobody should have to deal with the dangerous, inconsiderate actions of others. Fortunately, there are precautions you could take.
Pay Attention
Drivers are more distracted than ever – phones in hand, fixing their makeup, or just daydreaming at the wheel, a distracted driver can be a pedestrian's biggest threat. It pays to be alert. If you're walking with your phone in hand, try to keep activity brief. For added safety, take the time to pause your walk when responding to a longer message. If listening to music, keep the music at a volume that still allows you to be mindful of your surroundings.
Stay on the Sidewalk
Sidewalks were specifically designed to, well, walk along side traffic. They are calculated with enough space away from the road to give pedestrians a designated safe haven from the potential dangers of the road. Whenever possible, use it! In the absence of a sidewalk, try to contain your route to the shoulder of the road and walk facing traffic.
Remain Visible
This one is specifically for those who walk at night. The night can be dangerous for a pedestrian –but even more so if they can't be seen at all. IF your schedule has you prone to walking at night, make yourself visible using lighter clothing. Sporting goods and warehouse stores also sell a variety of tools such as reflective badges and belts to keep pedestrians safe. These tools are essential for maintaining visibility.
Respect Road Signage
Crosswalks are designed to give pedestrians the right of way in controlled periods. They are the saving grace of pedestrians who need to navigate even the most dangerous of intersections. Always take care to use the crosswalk whenever possible. Trying to cross even a few seconds early could cost you your life. In fact, just fewer than 5,000 jaywalking pedestrians are killed every year. Respect road signage for your own safety.
Taking these steps could help you avoid a serious injury or fatal accident. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a pedestrian accident due to the recklessness of others, you need to discuss your legal rights. Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A.offers experienced lawyers who can aggressively fight for you. Best of all, you pay no attorney fees until we recover financial compensation for your losses. Contact us today for your free initial consultation!
From offices in Edison, Brick and Freehold, we represent people injured in bike and pedestrian accidents throughout New Jersey.