What Should You Do When the Police Go Too Far?
Although it has always been a lingering element in criminal justice, police misconduct has been the subject of more and more news stories over the past few years. This past month brought one more example into the public consciousness with the story of University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing allegedly shooting an unarmed Samuel Dubose with no cause.
One of the most alarming elements of these stories is the arguably lax penalties that officers often face in the wake of their sometimes criminal behavior. This is an issue that has more and more clamoring for police reform, and has left many wondering if they have any recourse at all when they've been mistreated by the police.
We all want to believe the best about the cops who protect us every day. The majority, in fact, are exceptional people with an extraordinarily difficult job. This should not, however, preclude you from getting fair treatment under the law in the event that an officer acts inappropriately. The unfortunate reality for those looking to bring a case against law enforcement is that the police are often well protected in their community. This can sometimes skew fairness in reporting, evidence gathering and a variety of other legal issues.
It's important to remember, first and foremost, that if you've been mistreated by law enforcement, or anyone else for that matter, you have rights. Although things like local culture and politics may sometimes make it more difficult to get the justice you deserve, this is not a losing battle. An experienced and qualified attorney can help you overcome any obstacles that stand in your way, including evidence gathering and witness testimony, to ensure your voice is heard and you have your day in court.
You shouldn't be afraid to speak out against the police if you feel you've been mistreated. Whether it's a personal injury or wrongful death claim, Lombardi & Lombardi, P.A. has the experience and resources to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.