When Seemingly Minor Cuts and Bruises Become Deadly Road Rash
All motorcycle accidents have the potential of resulting in catastrophic injuries — especially to bikers and their passengers. This is true because, no matter how you view it, motorcyclists are relatively unprotected from the elements and from the multi-ton vehicles they often get hit by.
Even helmets, gloves, jackets, boots and other safety gear can't totally prevent broken bones and fractures, internal injuries, traumatic brain and spinal injuries and wrongful death in a motorcycle crash. And, while you might think cuts, scrapes and bruises could be categorized as minor injuries, these wounds, often called road rash when suffered by motorcyclists, can be life-altering and even fatal when not properly attended to by medical personnel.
When a biker is hit and slides across the pavement, the resulting skin rash is called road rash. If the motorcyclist was wearing proper clothing at the time of the accident, the injuries can be minimized. However, any part of the body that gets severely scraped is in danger of becoming infected. Like burns, road rash is described in degrees of injury.
First Degree Road Rash: When the skin isn't broken and it's just red or bruised, carefully cleaning the area and babying it for a few days until the pain subsides is usually what's required for this minor injury.
Second Degree Road Rash: If the scrapes break the skin and there is bleeding, the rash must be treated. However, usually the first aid required to care for a second degree road rash can be done at home. After cleaning the area carefully, remove any road debris and apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment. If you experience problems moving the body part, you may want to ice it and watch it closely. If the pain subsides, you got off easy. If it gets worse, you may need to see a doctor.
Third Degree Road Rash is the most severe and requires medical intervention. This type of injury is considered severe because all the layers of the skin are affected and the area is open to serious infections that can be life-threatening. Nerve tissue and muscles may be involved and treatment might include surgeries and IV medications. Recovery time may be extensive and involved physical therapy or rehab.
The type of surface you fall on often holds the key to how bad the road rash may be. If you are on a highway, you stand the chance of coming in contact with glass and metal fragments along with road debris and gravel. Recovery time depends on how fast you were able to get medical attention and how severe the rash was.
If infection was prevented and timely treatment was provided, road rash is something bikers eventually recover from without repercussions. While that's good news, you shouldn't have to pay for your medical treatment and deal with lost wages because of time off work.
If your or someone you love was injured in a motorcycle crash, talk to the knowledgeable personal injury lawyers at Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A.. No one will fight harder to get you maximum damages for your road rash injuries. Contact us today for a free consultation about your accident.