Landscape workers play a vital role in enhancing the beauty of our surroundings, but their job can come with significant hazards. From working with heavy machinery to exposure to chemicals and adverse weather conditions, they face various risks on a daily basis. In this article, we will delve into the most common risks that landscape …
Workers’ compensation is a system that is intended to provide benefits to employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness. These benefits may include medical treatment and partial wage replacement for missed work. However, workers’ compensation does not provide protection for your employment. In most cases, you can still be terminated from your job while …
Many professions require workers to perform the same motions or movements repeatedly over the course of the workday or to engage in heavy lifting or other physically strenuous activities. However, these movements can easily lead to orthopedic injuries. If you work in a profession that may put you at risk for an orthopedic injury, you …
Workplace injuries are always a possibility, but some industries tend to have a higher rate of injuries, as well as a higher likeliness of certain injuries. The Most Common Workplace Injuries The most common workplace injuries include: Overexertion: This includes non-impact injuries, like injuries to muscles and ligaments. It may also include repetitive motion injuries, …
Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that is used to protect an employee in the event of an accident or injury at work. Continue reading to find out which employers have to have workers’ compensation in New Jersey. Requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Program The individual requirements of workers’ compensation vary from state to …
Workers’ Compensation Overview Have you ever been injured while working? Statistics indicate that more than 140 million Americans are currently covered by workers’ compensation insurance. That means that more than 94 percent of the workforce can utilize this important financial insurance after a workplace accident. Despite this fact, many workers’ comp claims are initially denied. …
In the State of new Jersey, occupational diseases are covered by the Workers’ Compensation System. This means that any employee who suffers from an illness or condition developed on the job is entitled to medical treatment, lost wages and, depending on the extent of long-term injuries, a cash settlement. Occupational diseases are those that are …