

Legal Remedies for Victims of Elder Abuse in New Jersey Nursing Homes

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Legal Remedies for Victims of Elder Abuse in New Jersey Nursing Homes

Elder abuse, a deeply disturbing and tragically widespread issue, is especially prevalent within nursing homes. Such incidents shatter trust and can cause untold harm to our loved ones. In New Jersey, there are specific legal remedies available for victims of nursing home abuse. At Lombardi & Lombardi, we are committed to ensuring that the rights

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Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Neglect?

The Covid-19 crisis has brought the issue of nursing home neglect to the forefront.  There has even been discussion by the legal community about new standards for the level of care.  The lawsuit becomes a mechanism to protect the vulnerable in society from the abuses of neglect.  Sometimes the threat of litigation is necessary to

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Was My Parent the Victim of Nursing Home Neglect?

Do you feel that your loved one has been the victim of nursing home negligence? It’s not entirely out of the question. In 2017, New Jersey ranked as the third worst in the nation for protections against elder abuse, siting gross neglect as a key factor in why New Jersey ranked so poorly. In 2016,

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What Are Bedsores, and What Can I Do About Them?

In life, there are only a few inevitable things – death, taxes and aging. As we age, we start to lose the ability to remain independent, which poses a huge problem for those who don’t have family members who can provide the care they need. For the majority of us, that means we’ll need to

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Types of Elder Abuse

Different Types of Nursing Home Abuse There are a few different types of abuse to be aware of when it comes to the safety and health of the senior in your life. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is any type of abuse that physically harms the individual. This might include: Shoving Pushing Kicking Hitting Using objects

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4 New Jersey Nursing Home Employees Arrested for Abusing Residents

The Vulnerability of Nursing Home Residents in NJ Who do you picture when you think of the most vulnerable and dependent New Jersey residents? If you’re anything like the average American, then you likely thought about young children. Few consider how the elderly population is just as dependent and vulnerable. Sadly, they are often exploited

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3 Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

It can be completely heartbreaking to discover a loved one has been abused at the nursing home they’re living in. After all, their caregivers are meant to do just that: provide care. Nobody expects that their loved one will be abused, and it can be shocking when evidence of this abuse surfaces. Sadly, sometimes these

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Proving Negligence in a Motorcycle Crash

Following any type of motor vehicle accident, it’s natural to want justice and compensation for your injuries. Unfortunately, in many cases involving motorcycles and cars, the aftermath of a collision sounds more like “he said, she said†than anything else. You can change that by making sure you collect the evidence your personal injury lawyer

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Can Nursing Homes Take Steps to Prevent Bedsores? Yes!

Pressure ulcers, also called bedsores, are prevalent in nursing homes and assisted living facilities where patients spend a considerable amount of time in bed or in a wheelchair. If an immobile person is allowed to sit or lay in one position for an extended time without being moved, damage to the skin and soft tissue

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