Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuits

It is no surprise that a spinal cord injury is one of the more debilitating, long-term injuries you could suffer. It impacts your future livelihood, as well as your family and loved ones. The medical costs associated with a spinal cord injury can be enormous.
The only tolerable aspect of a spinal cord injury is that when it comes at the hands of something like a car accident, a fall, or other incident, you have the power to file a lawsuit and maybe get compensation for your injuries and losses.
But before we get there let us look at what exactly a spinal cord injury is. This injury is when there is damage to the spinal cord that results in partial or full loss of motor control and sensation. This can leave victims permanently paralyzed in addition to other permanent and serious health problems.
According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, since 2010, the leading cause of spinal cord injuries are vehicle crashes (38.4 percent). Falls account for 30.5 percent of spinal cord injuries, followed by acts of violence (13.5 percent) and sports (8.9 percent). Spinal cord injuries can also be the result of an error in surgery, errors that can rise to the level of medical malpractice.
When it comes to filing a lawsuit for your spinal cord injury you will have to prove your injury was caused by negligence. Let us say you were riding your motorcycle through an intersection and a driver texting on their cell phone t-boned you while running a red light. Since it can be proven they were acting negligent and without reasonable care behind they will, they are the negligent party and could be held liable for your injuries.
In another situation, your injury may have come at the hands of a defective product, like a faulty seatbelt or airbag. In this case you could pursue a lawsuit against the manufacturer or company that designed and/or sold the defective product.
Pursuing a lawsuit in these situations is usually in your best interest since the compensation is generally meant to restore you, the injured person, to your pre-accident condition. The aim is to get reimbursed for the medical expenses incurred as well as any pain and suffering and other losses. You might have lost wages since you were unable to work and your still entitled to that money.
Often times, reimbursement will go even further than just your medical expenses and other damages because of the long-lasting nature of a spinal cord injury. Compensation can include the costs of ongoing healthcare, rehabilitation, modifications to your home, and assistive devices.
In an effort to make sure you get the most compensation possible for your spinal cord injury you should contact a lawyer experienced in this type of litigation. In New Jersey, the lawyers at Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A., know the types of defenses you will face in a lawsuit and how to prove you deserve to be properly compensated.
They know these types of injuries change lives and they are dedicated to building you the strongest possible case. Call today for a free initial consultation at 732-906-1500.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.