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What To Do If You’re Facing A Violent Crime Conviction In New Jersey

What To Do If You’re Facing A Violent Crime Conviction In New Jersey

Facing charges for a violent crime in New Jersey can feel overwhelming. The uncertainty and potential consequences may leave you anxious about your future. At Lombardi & Lombardi, we understand the emotional and legal challenges you’re facing. Our experienced team is dedicated to defending your rights and achieving the best possible outcome. This guide will help you navigate the complexities of violent crime charges in New Jersey, from understanding your charges and rights to securing legal representation and building a strong defense.

Understanding Violent Crime Charges in New Jersey

New Jersey categorizes violent crimes to include offenses like sex crimes, simple and aggravated assault, homicide (including murder and manslaughter), among others. The state’s legal system imposes stringent penalties for these convictions, ranging from substantial fines and lengthy imprisonment to the stigma of a criminal record. Notably, under New Jersey’s No Early Release Act (NERA), individuals convicted of certain violent crimes must serve at least 85% of their sentence before becoming eligible for parole. The repercussions extend beyond the courtroom, affecting your future employment, housing opportunities, and social relationships.

Your Rights After an Arrest in New Jersey

Whether you’re dealing with accusations of assault, homicide, or any other serious offense, knowing your rights and the intricacies of the legal process is paramount. The moment you’re arrested marks a critical point in your legal journey. New Jersey law protects your rights, including:

  • The Right to Remain Silent: When you’re arrested, the most powerful tool at your disposal is your right to remain silent. It’s crucial to understand that anything you say can be used against you in court. This right is your shield against self-incrimination. You’re required to provide basic identification information, but beyond that, you can choose not to answer further questions without a lawyer present. Politely inform the officers that you wish to exercise your right to silence and would like to speak with an attorney.
  • The Right to Legal Representation: Another cornerstone of your rights is the access to legal representation. Regardless of your financial situation, you have the right to consult with an attorney. If you cannot afford one, the state will provide a public defender. This right is crucial, as early legal advice can significantly influence the direction and outcome of your case.

The Importance of Securing Legal Representation

Navigating New Jersey’s legal system requires an attorney knowledgeable in violent crime defense. When choosing an attorney, consider their experience, reputation, and client communication approach. At Lombardi & Lombardi, we’re known for our thorough preparation, aggressive defense, and personalized service.

Essential Questions To Ask Your Attorney:

  • How many violent crime cases have you handled?
  • What were the outcomes of those cases?
  • How do you ensure ongoing communication with clients throughout the legal process?
  • Can you provide references from past clients who had similar charges?
  • How often do your cases go to trial versus reach a plea agreement?
  • What is your trial versus plea agreement rate?

Crafting Your Defense Strategy

A defense strategy begins with a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrest. Every detail counts, from the location and time of the alleged crime to the evidence collected and the credibility of witnesses. Transparency with your attorney is crucial. The more they know, the better equipped they are to defend you. This collaboration might involve gathering evidence that corroborates your version of events, such as surveillance footage, GPS data, or text messages. 

Strategic Planning Involves:

  • Evaluating the prosecution’s evidence for weaknesses.
  • Identifying legal precedents that support your case.
  • Preparing for various courtroom scenarios to ensure a robust defense.

Common Defense Strategies in New Jersey

The right defense strategy not only challenges the accusations but also positions you for a more favorable legal resolution. Defense strategies in New Jersey vary widely, each tailored to the specifics of the case at hand, most commonly including:

  • Claiming Self-Defense: Self-defense claims require demonstrating that you believed you were in imminent danger.
  • Alibi: An alibi defense hinges on proving you were elsewhere when the crime occurred.
  • Challenging the Evidence: Disputing the evidence may involve challenging the legality of how evidence was obtained or its relevance to the case. Highlighting flaws in the prosecution’s case, such as unreliable witness testimonies or improperly handled evidence.
  • Alternative Strategies: Plea negotiations, meanwhile, offer a pathway to potentially reduce charges or sentencing, but they require careful legal evaluation to ensure they’re in your best interest.

Lombardi & Lombardi’s approach emphasizes a personalized defense strategy that considers all facets of your case, aiming to align with the best legal outcomes.

Understanding the Legal Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The journey from arrest to resolution is complex, involving multiple stages:

  • First Appearance: Shortly after your arrest, you’ll be formally charged and informed of your rights.
  • Bail Hearing: A judge will decide whether you can be released from custody while awaiting trial and under what conditions.
  • Pre-Trial Motions: Your attorney may file motions to dismiss charges or suppress evidence if your rights were violated during the arrest.
  • Trial: If your case goes to trial, both sides will present their evidence and arguments. Your attorney will advocate fiercely on your behalf, challenging the prosecution’s case and presenting your defense.
  • Plea Bargaining: Throughout the process, your attorney may negotiate with the prosecution to reach a plea deal that could result in reduced charges or a lighter sentence. This requires careful legal evaluation to ensure they’re in your best interest.

Contact an Attorney at Lombardi & Lombardi Today for a Free Consultation To Discuss Your Criminal Defense Case

Facing violent crime charges in New Jersey places you at a crucial juncture that demands knowledgeable legal guidance and a robust defense strategy. At Lombardi & Lombardi, our seasoned team of criminal defense attorneys brings unparalleled knowledge and dedication to each case, ensuring your rights are vigorously defended every step of the way. From the moment of your arrest through each phase of the legal process, our priority is your future and freedom.

We tailor our defense to the unique aspects of your case, considering every angle to secure the best possible outcome. Our attorneys possess a deep understanding of New Jersey’s violent crime laws, ensuring seasoned representation in and out of court. From initial consultations to trial advocacy or plea negotiations, our commitment is unwavering. We stand by your side, offering clarity, support, and expert legal advice.

Your fight is our fight. If you’re navigating the complexities of a violent crime charge in New Jersey, don’t face it alone. Contact us today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss how we can protect your rights and work towards a favorable resolution of your case.



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