Sharing the Road with Large Semi-Trucks

If you've ever driven on a highway, freeway or interstate, then it's likely that you've had to share the road with very large semi-trucks. Semi-trucks are often intimidating because of their enormous size. Witnessing an accident between a semi and smaller vehicle is usually horrifying, but there are a number of things you can do to keep yourself safe in situations where semi-trucks are present on the road.
Safety Tips for Traveling with Semi-Trucks
Always be aware of a semi-truck’s blind spots. You never want to remain directly behind or beside a semi-truck if you can avoid it. Traveling inside of a truck's blind spot for extended periods of time can make the semi-truck driver unaware of your car's presence on the road. Too many accidents occur because a smaller vehicle is unknowingly drafting behind a semi-truck, and the trucker is oblivious to their fellow motorist. Never get too close behind a semi-truck and turn on cruise control. When you find yourself in front of a semi-truck, try to be aware that the truck won't be able to stop as quickly as you can. Attempt to give the truck plenty of warning by breaking early when needed. If you ever have an emergency on the highway, then attempt to bring your car as far off to the shoulder as you can. It's important to recognize that semi-trucks utilize the right-hand lane, so you don't want to be protruding into that lane of traffic.
How Truck Accident Attorneys Can Help
The highly qualified personal injury attorneys at Lombardi and Lombardi, P.A. understand that even the most careful drivers can still be involved in an accident that is someone else's fault. We know first-hand how expensive medical bills, property damage and income loss related to your accident are, so we are prepared to fight for the maximum compensation you deserve. Discuss your motor vehicle accident with our attorneys today at 732-906-1500.
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